Factory Certified Service

Cove Dish Washer Rack

The newest link in the Sub-Zero Wolf family chain. Cove dishwashers have been in development for several years. All of us our getting our first glimpse of this long awaited addition to the Sub-Zero, Wolf family. 

Cove ‘a quiet body of water’. On first impressions that certainly describes the new Cove dishwasher. In our experience it has to be one of the quietest machines we have ever worked on. Our customer reported great Washability so the reduced noise levels are not at sacrifice of performance.

Which Cove model would you choose? We like the water softener versions for Calgary and area homes, struggling to get a great wash out of very testy water conditions. Of course if you have already invested in a whole home water conditioning system the non softener version may be your choice. Either way we are willing to bet you get top of the class service and support from Cove. 

Vantage Appliances Inc. Is Calgary’s home for Cove dishwasher service.

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