Repair or Replace

Nothing lasts forever right?  In your experience what would you do? 

Easy for us to say fix it. Our own personal bias tells us to. It is a bias that is based on two things. 

  1. We make our living from repair work.
  2. We don’t think we can afford to keep throwing things out, especially large things like appliances.

Putting our obvious biases aside here are a few of things that may help a body decide; 

  1. Are the parts generally available? If they are, good. If they are not, then if you make this repair, will you be able to get parts for the next repair? If you believe the life of repair, is say 7 to 10 years and you get 2 years and then have a repair you can’t get parts for, you probably haven’t got good value on the first repair.


If you own a Sub-Zero Wolf Cove product, less worries.

They are the last of a breed. Their unofficial tag line might be “As long as you want to keep it”. While there are exceptions in the product line no manufacture strives harder to keep an appliance up and running as Sub-Zero Wolf Cove. 

  1. Is the cost of the repair more than half the price of a new one? It still may be an okay decision to complete the repair. Certainly, if you feel as we do, that we are throwing out too much. Having said that what happens if in a year two you get hit with another major repair bill are you going to be tempted to say? No way I just spent as much as a new machine on repairs!‘ if you decide to chuck it at that point you have not gotten value for your previous repair.

Of course, every situation is different, for example is it a builtin appliance? Do you get to start that renovation you have been putting off? Or are you not ready for that? Want to keep it going for five or ten more years. If you ask us, we would probably sayIf it was mine, I’d fix it.

But remember we are biased.

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